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معرض قوالب معهد خبراء بلوجر - دليل مدونات بلوجر - موقع نشر بلوجر - اضافات بلوجر

العودة   معهد خبراء بلوجر > قوالب بلوجر > طلبات تعديل القوالب

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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 04-21-2013, 04:45 PM   #1
محمد عنبي
مدون جديد
الصورة الرمزية محمد عنبي
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2013
المشاركات: 34
افتراضي غير مجاب: ممكن لوسمحتوااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا

أنا : محمد عنبي

السلام عليكم
انا اريد سلايدر الموجود في هذا القالب
صورة سلايدر المطلوب

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($cfs.data('cfs_isCarousel')) {             var starting_position = $cfs.triggerHandler('_cfs_currentPosition');             $cfs.trigger('_cfs_destroy', true);         } else {             var starting_position = false;         }          $cfs._cfs_init = function(o, setOrig, start) {             o = go_getObject($tt0, o);               //    DEPRECATED             if (o.debug) {                 conf.debug = o.debug;                 debug(conf, 'The "debug" option should be moved to the second configuration-object.');             }             //    /DEPRECATED               var obs = ['items', 'scroll', 'auto', 'prev', 'next', 'pagination'];             for (var a = 0, l = obs.length; a < l; a++) {                 o[obs[a]] = go_getObject($tt0, o[obs[a]]);             }              if (typeof o.scroll == 'number') {                 if (o.scroll <= 50)                    o.scroll    = { 'items'        : o.scroll     };                 else                                o.scroll    = { 'duration'    : o.scroll     };             } else {                 if (typeof o.scroll == 'string')    o.scroll    = { 'easing'    : o.scroll     };             }                   if (typeof o.items == 'number')    o.items        = { 'visible'    : o.items     };             else if (        o.items == 'variable')    o.items        = { 'visible'    : o.items,                                                                     'width'        : o.items,                                                                      'height'    : o.items    };              if (typeof o.items != 'object') o.items = {};             if (setOrig) opts_orig = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.carouFredSel.defaults, o);              opts = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.carouFredSel.defaults, o);              if (typeof opts.items.visibleConf != 'object') opts.items.visibleConf = {};              if (opts.items.start == 0 && typeof start == 'number') {                 opts.items.start = start;             }              crsl.upDateOnWindowResize = (opts.responsive);             crsl.direction = (opts.direction == 'up' || opts.direction == 'left') ? 'next' : 'prev';              var dims = [                  ['width'    , 'innerWidth'    , 'outerWidth'    ,  'height'    , 'innerHeight'    , 'outerHeight'    , 'left', 'top'    ,  'marginRight'    , 0, 1, 2, 3],                 ['height'    ,  'innerHeight'    , 'outerHeight'    , 'width'    , 'innerWidth'    ,  'outerWidth'    , 'top'    , 'left', 'marginBottom', 3, 2, 1, 0]             ];              var dn = dims[0].length,                 dx = (opts.direction == 'right' || opts.direction == 'left') ? 0 : 1;              opts.d = {};             for (var d = 0; d < dn; d++) {                 opts.d[dims[0][d]] = dims[dx][d];             }              var    all_itm = $cfs.children();               //    check visible items             switch (typeof opts.items.visible) {                  //    min and max visible items                 case 'object':                     opts.items.visibleConf.min = opts.items.visible.min;                     opts.items.visibleConf.max = opts.items.visible.max;                     opts.items.visible = false;                     break;                                  case 'string':                     //    variable visible items                     if (opts.items.visible == 'variable') {                         opts.items.visibleConf.variable = true;                      //    adjust string visible items                     } else {                         opts.items.visibleConf.adjust = opts.items.visible;                     }                     opts.items.visible = false;                     break;                  // function visible items                 case 'function':                     opts.items.visibleConf.adjust = opts.items.visible;                     opts.items.visible = false;                     break;             }              //    set items filter             if (typeof opts.items.filter == 'undefined') {                 opts.items.filter = (all_itm.filter(':hidden').length > 0) ? ':visible' : '*';             }              //    primary size set to auto -> measure largest size and set it             if (opts[opts.d['width']] == 'auto') {                 opts[opts.d['width']] = ms_getTrueLargestSize(all_itm, opts, 'outerWidth');             }             //    primary size percentage             if (ms_isPercentage(opts[opts.d['width']]) && !opts.responsive) {                  opts[opts.d['width']] =  ms_getPercentage(ms_getTrueInnerSize($wrp.parent(), opts, 'innerWidth'),  opts[opts.d['width']]);                 crsl.upDateOnWindowResize = true;             }              //    secondary size set to auto -> measure largest size and set it             if (opts[opts.d['height']] == 'auto') {                 opts[opts.d['height']] = ms_getTrueLargestSize(all_itm, opts, 'outerHeight');             }              //    primary item-size not set             if (!opts.items[opts.d['width']]) { //    responsive carousel -> set to largest if (opts.responsive) {     debug(true, 'Set a '+opts.d['width']+' for the items!');     opts.items[opts.d['width']] = ms_getTrueLargestSize(all_itm, opts, 'outerWidth');                 //     non-responsive -> measure it or set to "variable" } else {                 opts.items[opts.d['width']] = (ms_hasVariableSizes(all_itm, opts, 'outerWidth'))                      ? 'variable'                      : all_itm[opts.d['outerWidth']](true); }             }              //    secondary item-size not set -> measure it or set to "variable"             if (!opts.items[opts.d['height']]) {                 opts.items[opts.d['height']] = (ms_hasVariableSizes(all_itm, opts, 'outerHeight'))                      ? 'variable'                      : all_itm[opts.d['outerHeight']](true);             }              //    secondary size not set -> set to secondary item-size             if (!opts[opts.d['height']]) {                 opts[opts.d['height']] = opts.items[opts.d['height']];             }              //    visible-items not set             if (!opts.items.visible && !opts.responsive) {                 //    primary item-size variable -> set visible items variable                 if (opts.items[opts.d['width']] == 'variable') {                     opts.items.visibleConf.variable = true;                 }                 if (!opts.items.visibleConf.variable) {                     //    primary size is number -> calculate visible-items                     if (typeof opts[opts.d['width']] == 'number') {                         opts.items.visible = Math.floor(opts[opts.d['width']] / opts.items[opts.d['width']]);                     } else {                         //    measure and calculate primary size and visible-items                         var maxS = ms_getTrueInnerSize($wrp.parent(), opts, 'innerWidth');                         opts.items.visible = Math.floor(maxS / opts.items[opts.d['width']]);                         opts[opts.d['width']] = opts.items.visible * opts.items[opts.d['width']];                         if (!opts.items.visibleConf.adjust) opts.align = false;                     }                     if (opts.items.visible == 'Infinity' || opts.items.visible < 1) {                         debug(true, 'Not a valid number of visible items: Set to "variable".');                         opts.items.visibleConf.variable = true;                     }                 }             }              //    primary size not set -> calculate it or set to "variable"             if (!opts[opts.d['width']]) {                 opts[opts.d['width']] = 'variable';                  if (!opts.responsive && opts.items.filter == '*'  && !opts.items.visibleConf.variable &&  opts.items[opts.d['width']] != 'variable') {                     opts[opts.d['width']] = opts.items.visible * opts.items[opts.d['width']];                     opts.align = false;                 }             }              //    variable primary item-sizes with variabe visible-items             if (opts.items.visibleConf.variable) {                 opts.maxDimention = (opts[opts.d['width']] == 'variable')                     ? ms_getTrueInnerSize($wrp.parent(), opts, 'innerWidth')                     : opts[opts.d['width']];                 if (opts.align === false) {                     opts[opts.d['width']] = 'variable';                 }                 opts.items.visible = gn_getVisibleItemsNext(all_itm, opts, 0);              //    set visible items by filter             } else if (opts.items.filter != '*') {                 opts.items.visibleConf.org = opts.items.visible;                 opts.items.visible = gn_getVisibleItemsNextFilter(all_itm, opts, 0);             }              //    align not set -> set to center if primary size is number             if (typeof opts.align == 'undefined') {                 opts.align = (opts[opts.d['width']] == 'variable')                     ? false                     : 'center';             }              opts.items.visible = cf_getItemsAdjust(opts.items.visible, opts, opts.items.visibleConf.adjust, $tt0);             opts.items.visibleConf.old = opts.items.visible;             opts.usePadding = false;   if (opts.responsive) {      if (!opts.items.visibleConf.min) opts.items.visibleConf.min = opts.items.visible;     if (!opts.items.visibleConf.max) opts.items.visibleConf.max = opts.items.visible;      opts.align = false;     opts.padding = [0, 0, 0, 0];      var isVisible = $wrp.is(':visible');     if (isVisible) $wrp.hide();     var fullS = ms_getPercentage(ms_getTrueInnerSize($wrp.parent(), opts, 'innerWidth'), opts[opts.d['width']]);      if (typeof opts[opts.d['width']] == 'number' && fullS < opts[opts.d['width']]) {         fullS = opts[opts.d['width']];     }     if (isVisible) $wrp.show();      var visb = cf_getItemAdjustMinMax(Math.ceil(fullS / opts.items[opts.d['width']]), opts.items.visibleConf);     if (visb > all_itm.length) {         visb = all_itm.length;     }      var newS = Math.floor(fullS/visb),         seco = opts[opts.d['height']],         secp = ms_isPercentage(seco);      all_itm.each(function() {         var $t = $(this),             nw = newS - ms_getPaddingBorderMargin($t, opts, 'Width');          $t[opts.d['width']](nw);         if (secp) {             $t[opts.d['height']](ms_getPercentage(nw, seco));         }     });      opts.items.visible = visb;     opts.items[opts.d['width']] = newS;     opts[opts.d['width']] = visb * newS;      } else {              opts.padding = cf_getPadding(opts.padding);              if (opts.align == 'top')         opts.align = 'left';             if (opts.align == 'bottom')     opts.align = 'right';               switch (opts.align) {                 //    align: center, left or right                 case 'center':                 case 'left':                 case 'right':                     if (opts[opts.d['width']] != 'variable') {                         var p = cf_getAlignPadding(gi_getCurrentItems(all_itm, opts), opts);                         opts.usePadding = true;                         opts.padding[opts.d[1]] = p[1];                         opts.padding[opts.d[3]] = p[0];                     }                     break;                  //    padding                 default:                     opts.align = false;                     opts.usePadding = (                         opts.padding[0] == 0 &&                          opts.padding[1] == 0 &&                          opts.padding[2] == 0 &&                          opts.padding[3] == 0                     ) ? false : true;                     break;             } }               if (typeof opts.cookie == 'boolean' && opts.cookie)             opts.cookie                     =  'caroufredsel_cookie_'+$cfs.attr('id');             if (typeof opts.items.minimum                != 'number')    opts.items.minimum                = opts.items.visible;             if (typeof opts.scroll.duration                != 'number')    opts.scroll.duration            = 500;              if (typeof opts.scroll.items                == 'undefined')  opts.scroll.items                 = (opts.items.visibleConf.variable ||  opts.items.filter != '*') ? 'visible' : opts.items.visible;              opts.auto        = go_getNaviObject($tt0, opts.auto, 'auto');             opts.prev        = go_getNaviObject($tt0, opts.prev);             opts.next        = go_getNaviObject($tt0, opts.next);             opts.pagination    = go_getNaviObject($tt0, opts.pagination, 'pagination');              opts.auto        = $.extend(true, {}, opts.scroll, opts.auto);             opts.prev        = $.extend(true, {}, opts.scroll, opts.prev);             opts.next        = $.extend(true, {}, opts.scroll, opts.next);             opts.pagination    = $.extend(true, {}, opts.scroll, opts.pagination);              if (typeof opts.pagination.keys                != 'boolean')    opts.pagination.keys             = false;             if (typeof opts.pagination.anchorBuilder    != 'function'                      && opts.pagination.anchorBuilder    !==  false)        opts.pagination.anchorBuilder    =  $.fn.carouFredSel.pageAnchorBuilder;             if (typeof opts.auto.play                    != 'boolean')    opts.auto.play                    = true;             if (typeof opts.auto.delay                    != 'number')    opts.auto.delay                    = 0;             if (typeof opts.auto.pauseOnEvent             == 'undefined')    opts.auto.pauseOnEvent            = true;             if (typeof opts.auto.pauseOnResize             != 'boolean')    opts.auto.pauseOnResize            = true;              if (typeof opts.auto.pauseDuration            != 'number')     opts.auto.pauseDuration            = (opts.auto.duration < 10) ? 2500  : opts.auto.duration * 5;              if (opts.synchronise) {                 opts.synchronise = cf_getSynchArr(opts.synchronise);             }             if (conf.debug) {                 debug(conf, 'Carousel width: '+opts.width);                 debug(conf, 'Carousel height: '+opts.height);                 if (opts.maxDimention)    debug(conf, 'Available '+opts.d['width']+': '+opts.maxDimention);                 debug(conf, 'Item widths: '+opts.items.width);                 debug(conf, 'Item heights: '+opts.items.height);                 debug(conf, 'Number of items visible: '+opts.items.visible);                 if (opts.auto.play)        debug(conf, 'Number of items scrolled automatically: '+opts.auto.items);                 if (opts.prev.button)    debug(conf, 'Number of items scrolled backward: '+opts.prev.items);                 if (opts.next.button)    debug(conf, 'Number of items scrolled forward: '+opts.next.items);             }         };    //    /init          $cfs._cfs_build = function() {             $cfs.data('cfs_isCarousel', true);              var orgCSS = {                 'textAlign'        : $cfs.css('textAlign'),                 'float'            : $cfs.css('float'),                 'position'        : $cfs.css('position'),                 'top'            : $cfs.css('top'),                 'right'            : $cfs.css('right'),                 'bottom'        : $cfs.css('bottom'),                 'left'            : $cfs.css('left'),                 'width'            : $cfs.css('width'),                 'height'        : $cfs.css('height'),                 'marginTop'        : $cfs.css('marginTop'),                 'marginRight'    : $cfs.css('marginRight'),                 'marginBottom'    : $cfs.css('marginBottom'),                 'marginLeft'    : $cfs.css('marginLeft')             };              switch (orgCSS.position) {                 case 'absolute':                     var newPosition = 'absolute';                     break;                 case 'fixed':                     var newPosition = 'fixed';                     break;                 default:                     var newPosition = 'relative';             }               $wrp.css(orgCSS).css({                 'overflow'        : 'hidden',                 'position'        : newPosition             });              $cfs.data('cfs_origCss', orgCSS).css({                 'textAlign'        : 'left',                 'float'            : 'none',                 'position'        : 'absolute',                 'top'            : 0,                 'left'            : 0,                 'marginTop'        : 0,                 'marginRight'    : 0,                 'marginBottom'    : 0,                 'marginLeft'    : 0             });              if (opts.usePadding) {                 $cfs.children().each(function() {                     var m = parseInt($(this).css(opts.d['marginRight']));                     if (isNaN(m)) m = 0;                     $(this).data('cfs_origCssMargin', m);                 });             }          };    //    /build          $cfs._cfs_bind_events = function() {             $cfs._cfs_unbind_events();              //    stop event             $cfs.bind(cf_e('stop', conf), function(e, imm) {                 e.stopPropagation();                  //    button                 if (!crsl.isStopped) {                     if (opts.auto.button) {                         opts.auto.button.addClass(cf_c('stopped', conf));                     }                 }                  //    set stopped                 crsl.isStopped = true;                  if (opts.auto.play) {                     opts.auto.play = false;                     $cfs.trigger(cf_e('pause', conf), imm);                 }                 return true;             });              //    finish event             $cfs.bind(cf_e('finish', conf), function(e) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 if (crsl.isScrolling) {                     sc_stopScroll(scrl);                 }                 return true;             });              //    pause event             $cfs.bind(cf_e('pause', conf), function(e, imm, res) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 tmrs = sc_clearTimers(tmrs);                  //    immediately pause                 if (imm && crsl.isScrolling) {                     scrl.isStopped = true;                     var nst = getTime() - scrl.startTime;                     scrl.duration -= nst;                     if (scrl.pre) scrl.pre.duration -= nst;                     if (scrl.post) scrl.post.duration -= nst;                     sc_stopScroll(scrl, false);                 }                  //    update remaining pause-time                 if (!crsl.isPaused && !crsl.isScrolling) {                     if (res) tmrs.timePassed += getTime() - tmrs.startTime;                 }                                  //    button                 if (!crsl.isPaused) {                     if (opts.auto.button) {                         opts.auto.button.addClass(cf_c('paused', conf));                     }                 }                  //    set paused                 crsl.isPaused = true;                  //    pause pause callback                 if (opts.auto.onPausePause) {                     var dur1 = opts.auto.pauseDuration - tmrs.timePassed,                         perc = 100 - Math.ceil( dur1 * 100 / opts.auto.pauseDuration );                     opts.auto.onPausePause.call($tt0, perc, dur1);                 }                 return true;             });              //    play event             $cfs.bind(cf_e('play', conf), function(e, dir, del, res) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 tmrs = sc_clearTimers(tmrs);                  //    sort params                 var v = [dir, del, res],                     t = ['string', 'number', 'boolean'],                     a = cf_sortParams(v, t);                  var dir = a[0],                     del = a[1],                     res = a[2];                  if (dir != 'prev' && dir != 'next') dir = crsl.direction;                 if (typeof del != 'number')         del = 0;                 if (typeof res != 'boolean')         res = false;                  //    stopped?                 if (res) {                     crsl.isStopped = false;                     opts.auto.play = true;                 }                 if (!opts.auto.play) {                     e.stopImmediatePropagation();                     return debug(conf, 'Carousel stopped: Not scrolling.');                 }                  //    button                 if (crsl.isPaused) {                     if (opts.auto.button) {                         opts.auto.button.removeClass(cf_c('stopped', conf));                         opts.auto.button.removeClass(cf_c('paused', conf));                     }                 }                  //    set playing                 crsl.isPaused = false;                 tmrs.startTime = getTime();                  //    timeout the scrolling                 var dur1 = opts.auto.pauseDuration + del;                     dur2 = dur1 - tmrs.timePassed;                     perc = 100 - Math.ceil(dur2 * 100 / dur1);                  tmrs.auto = setTimeout(function() {                     if (opts.auto.onPauseEnd) {                         opts.auto.onPauseEnd.call($tt0, perc, dur2);                     }                     if (crsl.isScrolling) {                         $cfs.trigger(cf_e('play', conf), dir);                     } else {                         $cfs.trigger(cf_e(dir, conf), opts.auto);                     }                 }, dur2);                  //    pause start callback                 if (opts.auto.onPauseStart) {                     opts.auto.onPauseStart.call($tt0, perc, dur2);                 }                  return true;             });              //    resume event             $cfs.bind(cf_e('resume', conf), function(e) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 if (scrl.isStopped) {                     scrl.isStopped = false;                     crsl.isPaused = false;                     crsl.isScrolling = true;                     scrl.startTime = getTime();                     sc_startScroll(scrl);                 } else {                     $cfs.trigger(cf_e('play', conf));                 }                 return true;             });              //    prev + next events             $cfs.bind(cf_e('prev', conf)+' '+cf_e('next', conf), function(e, obj, num, clb) {                 e.stopPropagation();                  //    stopped or hidden carousel, don't scroll, don't queue                 if (crsl.isStopped || $cfs.is(':hidden')) {                     e.stopImmediatePropagation();                     return debug(conf, 'Carousel stopped or hidden: Not scrolling.');                 }                  //    not enough items                 if (opts.items.minimum >= itms.total) {                     e.stopImmediatePropagation();                     return debug(conf, 'Not enough items ('+itms.total+', '+opts.items.minimum+' needed): Not scrolling.');                 }                  //    get config                 var v = [obj, num, clb],                     t = ['object', 'number/string', 'function'],                     a = cf_sortParams(v, t);                  var obj = a[0],                     num = a[1],                     clb = a[2];                  var eType = e.type.substr(conf.events.prefix.length);                  if (typeof obj != 'object' || obj == null)    obj = opts[eType];                 if (typeof clb == 'function')                obj.onAfter = clb;                  if (typeof num != 'number') {                     if (opts.items.filter != '*') {                         num = 'visible';                     } else {                         var arr = [num, obj.items, opts[eType].items];                         for (var a = 0, l = arr.length; a < l; a++) {                             if (typeof arr[a] == 'number' || arr[a] == 'page' || arr[a] == 'visible') {                                 num = arr[a];                                 break;                             }                         }                     }                     switch(num) {                         case 'page':                             e.stopImmediatePropagation();                             return $cfs.triggerHandler(eType+'Page', [obj, clb]);                             break;                          case 'visible':                             if (!opts.items.visibleConf.variable && opts.items.filter == '*') {                                 num = opts.items.visible;                             }                             break;                     }                 }                  //    resume animation, add current to queue                 if (scrl.isStopped) {                     $cfs.trigger(cf_e('resume', conf));                     $cfs.trigger(cf_e('queue', conf), [eType, [obj, num, clb]]);                     e.stopImmediatePropagation();                     return debug(conf, 'Carousel resumed scrolling.');                 }                  //    queue if scrolling                 if (obj.duration > 0) {                     if (crsl.isScrolling) {                         if (obj.queue) $cfs.trigger(cf_e('queue', conf), [eType, [obj, num, clb]]);                         e.stopImmediatePropagation();                         return debug(conf, 'Carousel currently scrolling.');                     }                 }                  //    test conditions callback                 if (obj.conditions && !obj.conditions.call($tt0)) {                     e.stopImmediatePropagation();                     return debug(conf, 'Callback "conditions" returned false.');                 }                  tmrs.timePassed = 0;                 $cfs.trigger('_cfs_slide_'+eType, [obj, num]);                  //    synchronise                 if (opts.synchronise) {                     var s = opts.synchronise,                         c = [obj, num];                     for (var j = 0, l = s.length; j < l; j++) {                         var d = eType;                         if (!s[j][1]) c[0] = s[j][0].triggerHandler('_cfs_configuration', eType);                         if (!s[j][2]) d = (d == 'prev') ? 'next' : 'prev';                         c[1] = num + s[j][3];                         s[j][0].trigger('_cfs_slide_'+d, c);                     }                 }                 return true;             });              //    prev event, accessible from outside             $cfs.bind(cf_e('_cfs_slide_prev', conf, false), function(e, sO, nI) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 var a_itm = $cfs.children();                  //    non-circular at start, scroll to end                 if (!opts.circular) {                     if (itms.first == 0) {                         if (opts.infinite) {                             $cfs.trigger(cf_e('next', conf), itms.total-1);                         }                         return e.stopImmediatePropagation();                     }                 }                  if (opts.usePadding) sz_resetMargin(a_itm, opts);                  //    find number of items to scroll                 if (typeof nI != 'number') {                     if (opts.items.visibleConf.variable) {                         nI = gn_getVisibleItemsPrev(a_itm, opts, itms.total-1);                     } else if (opts.items.filter != '*') {                         var xI = (typeof sO.items == 'number') ? sO.items : gn_getVisibleOrg($cfs, opts);                         nI = gn_getScrollItemsPrevFilter(a_itm, opts, itms.total-1, xI);                     } else {                         nI = opts.items.visible;                     }                     nI = cf_getAdjust(nI, opts, sO.items, $tt0);                 }                  //    prevent non-circular from scrolling to far                 if (!opts.circular) {                     if (itms.total - nI < itms.first) {                         nI = itms.total - itms.first;                     }                 }                  //    set new number of visible items                 opts.items.visibleConf.old = opts.items.visible;                 if (opts.items.visibleConf.variable) {                     var vI = gn_getVisibleItemsNext(a_itm, opts, itms.total-nI);                     if (opts.items.visible+nI <= vI && nI < itms.total) {                         nI++;                         vI = gn_getVisibleItemsNext(a_itm, opts, itms.total-nI);                     }                     opts.items.visible = cf_getItemsAdjust(vI, opts, opts.items.visibleConf.adjust, $tt0);                 } else if (opts.items.filter != '*') {                     var vI = gn_getVisibleItemsNextFilter(a_itm, opts, itms.total-nI);                     opts.items.visible = cf_getItemsAdjust(vI, opts, opts.items.visibleConf.adjust, $tt0);                 }                  if (opts.usePadding) sz_resetMargin(a_itm, opts, true);                  //    scroll 0, don't scroll                 if (nI == 0) {                     e.stopImmediatePropagation();                     return debug(conf, '0 items to scroll: Not scrolling.');                 }                 debug(conf, 'Scrolling '+nI+' items backward.');                  //    save new config                 itms.first += nI;                 while (itms.first >= itms.total) {                     itms.first -= itms.total;                 }                  //    non-circular callback                 if (!opts.circular) {                     if (itms.first == 0 && sO.onEnd) sO.onEnd.call($tt0);                     if (!opts.infinite) nv_enableNavi(opts, itms.first, conf);                 }                  //    rearrange items                 $cfs.children().slice(itms.total-nI, itms.total).prependTo($cfs);                 if (itms.total < opts.items.visible + nI) {                     $cfs.children().slice(0, (opts.items.visible+nI)-itms.total).clone(true).appendTo($cfs);                 }                  //    the needed items                 var a_itm = $cfs.children(),                     c_old = gi_getOldItemsPrev(a_itm, opts, nI),                     c_new = gi_getNewItemsPrev(a_itm, opts),                     l_cur = a_itm.eq(nI-1),                     l_old = c_old.last(),                     l_new = c_new.last();                  if (opts.usePadding) sz_resetMargin(a_itm, opts);                 if (opts.align) {                     var p = cf_getAlignPadding(c_new, opts),                         pL = p[0],                         pR = p[1];                 } else {                     var pL = 0,                         pR = 0;                 }                 var oL = (pL < 0) ? opts.padding[opts.d[3]] : 0;                  //    hide items for fx directscroll                 if (sO.fx == 'directscroll' && opts.items.visible < nI) {                     var hiddenitems = a_itm.slice(opts.items.visibleConf.old, nI),                         orgW = opts.items[opts.d['width']];                     hiddenitems.each(function() {                         var hi = $(this);                         hi.data('isHidden', hi.is(':hidden')).hide();                     });                     opts.items[opts.d['width']] = 'variable';                 } else {                     var hiddenitems = false;                 }                  //    save new sizes                 var i_siz = ms_getTotalSize(a_itm.slice(0, nI), opts, 'width'),                     w_siz = cf_mapWrapperSizes(ms_getSizes(c_new, opts, true), opts, !opts.usePadding);                  if (hiddenitems) opts.items[opts.d['width']] = orgW;                  if (opts.usePadding) {                     sz_resetMargin(a_itm, opts, true);                     if (pR >= 0) {                         sz_resetMargin(l_old, opts, opts.padding[opts.d[1]]);                     }                     sz_resetMargin(l_cur, opts, opts.padding[opts.d[3]]);                 }                 if (opts.align) {                     opts.padding[opts.d[1]] = pR;                     opts.padding[opts.d[3]] = pL;                 }                  //    animation configuration                 var a_cfs = {},                     a_dur = sO.duration;                       if (sO.fx == 'none')    a_dur = 0;                 else if (a_dur == 'auto')    a_dur = opts.scroll.duration / opts.scroll.items * nI;                 else if (a_dur <= 0)        a_dur = 0;                 else if (a_dur < 10)        a_dur = i_siz / a_dur;                  scrl = sc_setScroll(a_dur, sO.easing);                  //    animate wrapper                 if (opts[opts.d['width']] == 'variable' || opts[opts.d['height']] == 'variable') {                     scrl.anims.push([$wrp, w_siz]);                 }                  //    animate items                 if (opts.usePadding) {                     var new_m = opts.padding[opts.d[3]];                      if (l_new.not(l_cur).length) {                          var a_cur = {};                              a_cur[opts.d['marginRight']] = l_cur.data('cfs_origCssMargin');                          if (pL < 0) l_cur.css(a_cur);                         else         scrl.anims.push([l_cur, a_cur]);                     }                      if (l_new.not(l_old).length) {                         var a_old = {};                             a_old[opts.d['marginRight']] = l_old.data('cfs_origCssMargin');                         scrl.anims.push([l_old, a_old]);                     }                      if (pR >= 0) {                         var a_new = {};                             a_new[opts.d['marginRight']] = l_new.data('cfs_origCssMargin') + opts.padding[opts.d[1]];                         scrl.anims.push([l_new, a_new]);                     }                 } else {                     var new_m = 0;                 }                  //    animate carousel                 a_cfs[opts.d['left']] = new_m;                  //    onBefore callback                 var args = [c_old, c_new, w_siz, a_dur];                 if (sO.onBefore) sO.onBefore.apply($tt0, args);                 clbk.onBefore = sc_callCallbacks(clbk.onBefore, $tt0, args);                    //    ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS                  //    extra animation arrays                 switch(sO.fx) {                     case 'fade':                     case 'crossfade':                     case 'cover':                     case 'uncover':                         scrl.pre = sc_setScroll(scrl.duration, scrl.easing);                         scrl.post = sc_setScroll(scrl.duration, scrl.easing);                         scrl.duration = 0;                         break;                 }                  //    create copy                 switch(sO.fx) {                     case 'crossfade':                     case 'cover':                     case 'uncover':                         var $cf2 = $cfs.clone().appendTo($wrp);                         break;                 }                 switch(sO.fx) {                     case 'uncover':                         $cf2.children().slice(0, nI).remove();                     case 'crossfade':                     case 'cover':                         $cf2.children().slice(opts.items.visible).remove();                         break;                 }                  //    animations                 switch(sO.fx) {                     case 'fade':                         scrl.pre.anims.push([$cfs, { 'opacity': 0 }]);                         break;                     case 'crossfade':                         $cf2.css({ 'opacity': 0 });                         scrl.pre.anims.push([$cfs, { 'width': '+=0' }, function() { $cf2.remove(); }]);                         scrl.post.anims.push([$cf2, { 'opacity': 1 }]);                         break;                     case 'cover':                         scrl = fx_cover(scrl, $cfs, $cf2, opts, true);                         break;                     case 'uncover':                         scrl = fx_uncover(scrl, $cfs, $cf2, opts, true, nI);                         break;                 }                  //    /ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS                   //    complete callback                 var a_complete = function() {                      var overFill = opts.items.visible+nI-itms.total;                     if (overFill > 0) {                         $cfs.children().slice(itms.total).remove();                          c_old =  $cfs.children().slice(itms.total-(nI-overFill)).get().concat(  $cfs.children().slice(0, overFill).get() );                     }                     if (hiddenitems) {                         hiddenitems.each(function() {                             var hi = $(this);                             if (!hi.data('isHidden')) hi.show();                         });                         }                     if (opts.usePadding) {                         var l_itm = $cfs.children().eq(opts.items.visible+nI-1);                         l_itm.css(opts.d['marginRight'], l_itm.data('cfs_origCssMargin'));                     }                      scrl.anims = [];                     if (scrl.pre) scrl.pre = sc_setScroll(scrl.orgDuration, scrl.easing);                      var fn = function() {                         switch(sO.fx) {                             case 'fade':                             case 'crossfade':                                 $cfs.css('filter', '');                                 break;                         }                          scrl.post = sc_setScroll(0, null);                         crsl.isScrolling = false;                          var args = [c_old, c_new, w_siz];                         if (sO.onAfter) sO.onAfter.apply($tt0, args);                         clbk.onAfter = sc_callCallbacks(clbk.onAfter, $tt0, args);                          if (queu.length) {                             $cfs.trigger(cf_e(queu[0][0], conf), queu[0][1]);                             queu.shift();                         }                         if (!crsl.isPaused) $cfs.trigger(cf_e('play', conf));                     };                     switch(sO.fx) {                         case 'fade':                             scrl.pre.anims.push([$cfs, { 'opacity': 1 }, fn]);                             sc_startScroll(scrl.pre);                             break;                         case 'uncover':                             scrl.pre.anims.push([$cfs, { 'width': '+=0' }, fn]);                             sc_startScroll(scrl.pre);                             break;                         default:                             fn();                             break;                     }                 };                  scrl.anims.push([$cfs, a_cfs, a_complete]);                 crsl.isScrolling = true;                 $cfs.css(opts.d['left'], -(i_siz-oL));                 tmrs = sc_clearTimers(tmrs);                 sc_startScroll(scrl);                 cf_setCookie(opts.cookie, $cfs.triggerHandler(cf_e('currentPosition', conf)));                  $cfs.trigger(cf_e('updatePageStatus', conf), [false, w_siz]);                  return true;             });              //    next event, accessible from outside             $cfs.bind(cf_e('_cfs_slide_next', conf, false), function(e, sO, nI) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 var a_itm = $cfs.children();                  //    non-circular at end, scroll to start                 if (!opts.circular) {                     if (itms.first == opts.items.visible) {                         if (opts.infinite) {                             $cfs.trigger(cf_e('prev', conf), itms.total-1);                         }                         return e.stopImmediatePropagation();                     }                 }                  if (opts.usePadding) sz_resetMargin(a_itm, opts);                  //    find number of items to scroll                 if (typeof nI != 'number') {                     if (opts.items.filter != '*') {                         var xI = (typeof sO.items == 'number') ? sO.items : gn_getVisibleOrg($cfs, opts);                         nI = gn_getScrollItemsNextFilter(a_itm, opts, 0, xI);                     } else {                         nI = opts.items.visible;                     }                     nI = cf_getAdjust(nI, opts, sO.items, $tt0);                 }                  var lastItemNr = (itms.first == 0) ? itms.total : itms.first;                  //    prevent non-circular from scrolling to far                 if (!opts.circular) {                     if (opts.items.visibleConf.variable) {                         var vI = gn_getVisibleItemsNext(a_itm, opts, nI),                             xI = gn_getVisibleItemsPrev(a_itm, opts, lastItemNr-1);                     } else {                         var vI = opts.items.visible,                             xI = opts.items.visible;                     }                      if (nI + vI > lastItemNr) {                         nI = lastItemNr - xI;                     }                 }                  //    set new number of visible items                 opts.items.visibleConf.old = opts.items.visible;                 if (opts.items.visibleConf.variable) {                     var vI = gn_getVisibleItemsNextTestCircular(a_itm, opts, nI, lastItemNr);                     while (opts.items.visible-nI >= vI && nI < itms.total) {                         nI++;                         vI = gn_getVisibleItemsNextTestCircular(a_itm, opts, nI, lastItemNr);                     }                     opts.items.visible = cf_getItemsAdjust(vI, opts, opts.items.visibleConf.adjust, $tt0);                 } else if (opts.items.filter != '*') {                     var vI = gn_getVisibleItemsNextFilter(a_itm, opts, nI);                     opts.items.visible = cf_getItemsAdjust(vI, opts, opts.items.visibleConf.adjust, $tt0);                 }                  if (opts.usePadding) sz_resetMargin(a_itm, opts, true);                  //    scroll 0, don't scroll                 if (nI == 0) {                     e.stopImmediatePropagation();                     return debug(conf, '0 items to scroll: Not scrolling.');                 }                 debug(conf, 'Scrolling '+nI+' items forward.');                  //    save new config                 itms.first -= nI;                 while (itms.first < 0) {                     itms.first += itms.total;                 }                  //    non-circular callback                 if (!opts.circular) {                     if (itms.first == opts.items.visible && sO.onEnd) sO.onEnd.call($tt0);                     if (!opts.infinite) nv_enableNavi(opts, itms.first, conf);                 }                  //    rearrange items                 if (itms.total < opts.items.visible+nI) {                     $cfs.children().slice(0, (opts.items.visible+nI)-itms.total).clone(true).appendTo($cfs);                 }                  //    the needed items                 var a_itm = $cfs.children(),                     c_old = gi_getOldItemsNext(a_itm, opts),                     c_new = gi_getNewItemsNext(a_itm, opts, nI),                     l_cur = a_itm.eq(nI-1),                     l_old = c_old.last(),                     l_new = c_new.last();                  if (opts.usePadding) sz_resetMargin(a_itm, opts);                 if (opts.align)    {                     var p = cf_getAlignPadding(c_new, opts),                         pL = p[0],                         pR = p[1];                 } else {                     var pL = 0,                         pR = 0;                 }                  //    hide items for fx directscroll                 if (sO.fx == 'directscroll' && opts.items.visibleConf.old < nI) {                     var hiddenitems = a_itm.slice(opts.items.visibleConf.old, nI),                         orgW = opts.items[opts.d['width']];                     hiddenitems.each(function() {                         var hi = $(this);                         hi.data('isHidden', hi.is(':hidden')).hide();                     });                     opts.items[opts.d['width']] = 'variable';                 } else {                     var hiddenitems = false;                 }                  //    save new sizes                 var i_siz = ms_getTotalSize(a_itm.slice(0, nI), opts, 'width'),                     w_siz = cf_mapWrapperSizes(ms_getSizes(c_new, opts, true), opts, !opts.usePadding);                  if (hiddenitems) opts.items[opts.d['width']] = orgW;                  if (opts.align) {                     if (opts.padding[opts.d[1]] < 0) {                         opts.padding[opts.d[1]] = 0;                     }                 }                 if (opts.usePadding) {                     sz_resetMargin(a_itm, opts, true);                     sz_resetMargin(l_old, opts, opts.padding[opts.d[1]]);                 }                 if (opts.align) {                     opts.padding[opts.d[1]] = pR;                     opts.padding[opts.d[3]] = pL;                 }                  //    animation configuration                 var a_cfs = {},                     a_dur = sO.duration;                       if (sO.fx == 'none')    a_dur = 0;                 else if (a_dur == 'auto')    a_dur = opts.scroll.duration / opts.scroll.items * nI;                 else if (a_dur <= 0)        a_dur = 0;                 else if (a_dur < 10)        a_dur = i_siz / a_dur;                  scrl = sc_setScroll(a_dur, sO.easing);                  //    animate wrapper                 if (opts[opts.d['width']] == 'variable' || opts[opts.d['height']] == 'variable') {                     scrl.anims.push([$wrp, w_siz]);                 }                  //    animate items                 if (opts.usePadding) {                     var l_new_m = l_new.data('cfs_origCssMargin');                     if (pR >= 0) {                         l_new_m += opts.padding[opts.d[1]];                     }                     l_new.css(opts.d['marginRight'], l_new_m);                      if (l_cur.not(l_old).length) {                         var a_old = {};                             a_old[opts.d['marginRight']] = l_old.data('cfs_origCssMargin');                         scrl.anims.push([l_old, a_old]);                     }                      var c_new_m = l_cur.data('cfs_origCssMargin');                     if (pL >= 0) {                         c_new_m += opts.padding[opts.d[3]];                     }                     var a_cur = {};                         a_cur[opts.d['marginRight']] = c_new_m;                     scrl.anims.push([l_cur, a_cur]);                  }                  //    animate carousel                 a_cfs[opts.d['left']] = -i_siz;                 if (pL < 0) {                     a_cfs[opts.d['left']] += pL;                 }                  //    onBefore callback                 var args = [c_old, c_new, w_siz, a_dur];                 if (sO.onBefore) sO.onBefore.apply($tt0, args);                 clbk.onBefore = sc_callCallbacks(clbk.onBefore, $tt0, args);                    //    ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS                  //    extra animation arrays                 switch(sO.fx) {                     case 'fade':                     case 'crossfade':                     case 'cover':                     case 'uncover':                         scrl.pre = sc_setScroll(scrl.duration, scrl.easing);                         scrl.post = sc_setScroll(scrl.duration, scrl.easing);                         scrl.duration = 0;                         break;                 }                  //    create copy                 switch(sO.fx) {                     case 'crossfade':                     case 'cover':                     case 'uncover':                         var $cf2 = $cfs.clone().appendTo($wrp);                         break;                 }                 switch(sO.fx) {                     case 'uncover':                         $cf2.children().slice(opts.items.visibleConf.old).remove();                         break;                     case 'crossfade':                     case 'cover':                         $cf2.children().slice(0, nI).remove();                         $cf2.children().slice(opts.items.visible).remove();                         break;                 }                  //    animations                 switch(sO.fx) {                     case 'fade':                         scrl.pre.anims.push([$cfs, { 'opacity': 0 }]);                         break;                     case 'crossfade':                         $cf2.css({ 'opacity': 0 });                         scrl.pre.anims.push([$cfs, { 'width': '+=0' }, function() { $cf2.remove(); }]);                         scrl.post.anims.push([$cf2, { 'opacity': 1 }]);                         break;                     case 'cover':                         scrl = fx_cover(scrl, $cfs, $cf2, opts, false);                         break;                     case 'uncover':                         scrl = fx_uncover(scrl, $cfs, $cf2, opts, false, nI);                         break;                 }                  //    /ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS                   //    complete callback                 var a_complete = function() {                      var overFill = opts.items.visible+nI-itms.total,                         new_m = (opts.usePadding) ? opts.padding[opts.d[3]] : 0;                     $cfs.css(opts.d['left'], new_m);                     if (overFill > 0) {                         $cfs.children().slice(itms.total).remove();                     }                     var l_itm = $cfs.children().slice(0, nI).appendTo($cfs).last();                     if (overFill > 0) {                         c_new = gi_getCurrentItems(a_itm, opts);                     }                     if (hiddenitems) {                         hiddenitems.each(function() {                             var hi = $(this);                             if (!hi.data('isHidden')) hi.show();                         });                     }                     if (opts.usePadding) {                         if (itms.total < opts.items.visible+nI) {                             var l_cur = $cfs.children().eq(opts.items.visible-1);                             l_cur.css(opts.d['marginRight'], l_cur.data('cfs_origCssMargin') + opts.padding[opts.d[3]]);                         }                         l_itm.css(opts.d['marginRight'], l_itm.data('cfs_origCssMargin'));                     }                      scrl.anims = [];                     if (scrl.pre) scrl.pre = sc_setScroll(scrl.orgDuration, scrl.easing);                      var fn = function() {                         switch(sO.fx) {                             case 'fade':                             case 'crossfade':                                 $cfs.css('filter', '');                                 break;                         }                          scrl.post = sc_setScroll(0, null);                         crsl.isScrolling = false;                          var args = [c_old, c_new, w_siz];                         if (sO.onAfter) sO.onAfter.apply($tt0, args);                         clbk.onAfter = sc_callCallbacks(clbk.onAfter, $tt0, args);                          if (queu.length) {                             $cfs.trigger(cf_e(queu[0][0], conf), queu[0][1]);                             queu.shift();                         }                         if (!crsl.isPaused) $cfs.trigger(cf_e('play', conf));                     };                     switch(sO.fx) {                         case 'fade':                             scrl.pre.anims.push([$cfs, { 'opacity': 1 }, fn]);                             sc_startScroll(scrl.pre);                             break;                         case 'uncover':                             scrl.pre.anims.push([$cfs, { 'width': '+=0' }, fn]);                             sc_startScroll(scrl.pre);                             break;                         default:                             fn();                             break;                     }                 };                  scrl.anims.push([$cfs, a_cfs, a_complete]);                 crsl.isScrolling = true;                 tmrs = sc_clearTimers(tmrs);                 sc_startScroll(scrl);                 cf_setCookie(opts.cookie, $cfs.triggerHandler(cf_e('currentPosition', conf)));                  $cfs.trigger(cf_e('updatePageStatus', conf), [false, w_siz]);                  return true;             });              //    slideTo event             $cfs.bind(cf_e('slideTo', conf), function(e, num, dev, org, obj, dir, clb) {                 e.stopPropagation();                  var v = [num, dev, org, obj, dir, clb],                     t = ['string/number/object', 'number', 'boolean', 'object', 'string', 'function'],                     a = cf_sortParams(v, t);                                  var obj = a[3],                     dir = a[4],                     clb = a[5];                  num = gn_getItemIndex(a[0], a[1], a[2], itms, $cfs);                  if (num == 0) return;                 if (typeof obj != 'object') obj = false;                  if (crsl.isScrolling) {                     if (typeof obj != 'object' || obj.duration > 0) return false;                 }                  if (dir != 'prev' && dir != 'next') {                     if (opts.circular) {                         if (num <= itms.total / 2)     dir = 'next';                         else                         dir = 'prev';                     } else {                         if (itms.first == 0 ||                             itms.first > num)        dir = 'next';                         else                        dir = 'prev';                     }                 }                  if (dir == 'prev') num = itms.total-num;                 $cfs.trigger(cf_e(dir, conf), [obj, num, clb]);                  return true;             });              //    prevPage event             $cfs.bind(cf_e('prevPage', conf), function(e, obj, clb) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 var cur = $cfs.triggerHandler(cf_e('currentPage', conf));                 return $cfs.triggerHandler(cf_e('slideToPage', conf), [cur-1, obj, 'prev', clb]);             });              //    nextPage event             $cfs.bind(cf_e('nextPage', conf), function(e, obj, clb) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 var cur = $cfs.triggerHandler(cf_e('currentPage', conf));                 return $cfs.triggerHandler(cf_e('slideToPage', conf), [cur+1, obj, 'next', clb]);             });              //    slideToPage event             $cfs.bind(cf_e('slideToPage', conf), function(e, pag, obj, dir, clb) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 if (typeof pag != 'number') pag = $cfs.triggerHandler(cf_e('currentPage', conf));                 var ipp = opts.pagination.items || opts.items.visible,                     max = Math.floor(itms.total / ipp)-1;                 if (pag < 0)    pag = max;                 if (pag > max)    pag = 0;                 return $cfs.triggerHandler(cf_e('slideTo', conf), [pag*ipp, 0, true, obj, dir, clb]);             });              //    jumpToStart event             $cfs.bind(cf_e('jumpToStart', conf), function(e, s) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 if (s)    s = gn_getItemIndex(s, 0, true, itms, $cfs);                 else     s = 0;                  s += itms.first;                 if (s != 0) {                     while (s > itms.total) s -= itms.total;                     $cfs.prepend($cfs.children().slice(s, itms.total));                 }                 return true;             });              //    synchronise event             $cfs.bind(cf_e('synchronise', conf), function(e, s) {                 e.stopPropagation();                      if (s)                 s = cf_getSynchArr(s);                 else if (opts.synchronise)    s = opts.synchronise;                 else return debug(conf, 'No carousel to synchronise.');                  var n = $cfs.triggerHandler(cf_e('currentPosition', conf)),                     x = true;                 for (var j = 0, l = s.length; j < l; j++) {                     if (!s[j][0].triggerHandler(cf_e('slideTo', conf), [n, s[j][3], true])) {                         x = false;                     }                 }                 return x;             });              //    queue event             $cfs.bind(cf_e('queue', conf), function(e, dir, opt) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 if (typeof dir == 'function') {                     dir.call($tt0, queu);                 } else if (is_array(dir)) {                     queu = dir;                 } else if (typeof dir != 'undefined') {                     queu.push([dir, opt]);                 }                 return queu;             });              //    insertItem event             $cfs.bind(cf_e('insertItem', conf), function(e, itm, num, org, dev) {                 e.stopPropagation();                  var v = [itm, num, org, dev],                     t = ['string/object', 'string/number/object', 'boolean', 'number'],                     a = cf_sortParams(v, t);                                  var itm = a[0],                     num = a[1],                     org = a[2],                     dev = a[3];                  if (typeof itm == 'object' &&                      typeof itm.jquery == 'undefined')    itm = $(itm);                 if (typeof itm == 'string')             itm = $(itm);                 if (typeof itm != 'object' ||                     typeof itm.jquery == 'undefined' ||                      itm.length == 0) return debug(conf, 'Not a valid object.');                  if (typeof num == 'undefined') num = 'end';                  if (opts.usePadding) {                     itm.each(function() {                         var m = parseInt($(this).css(opts.d['marginRight']));                         if (isNaN(m)) m = 0;                         $(this).data('cfs_origCssMargin', m);                     });                 }                  var orgNum = num,                     before = 'before';                  if (num == 'end') {                     if (org) {                         if (itms.first == 0) {                             num = itms.total-1;                             before = 'after';                         } else {                             num = itms.first;                             itms.first += itm.length                         }                         if (num < 0) num = 0;                     } else {                         num = itms.total-1;                         before = 'after';                     }                 } else {                     num = gn_getItemIndex(num, dev, org, itms, $cfs);                 }                 if (orgNum != 'end' && !org) {                     if (num < itms.first) itms.first += itm.length;                 }                 if (itms.first >= itms.total) itms.first -= itms.total;                  var $cit = $cfs.children().eq(num);                 if ($cit.length) {                     $cit[before](itm);                 } else {                     $cfs.append(itm);                 }                  itms.total = $cfs.children().length;                  var sz = $cfs.triggerHandler('updateSizes');                 nv_showNavi(opts, itms.total, conf);                 nv_enableNavi(opts, itms.first, conf);                 $cfs.trigger(cf_e('linkAnchors', conf));                 $cfs.trigger(cf_e('updatePageStatus', conf), [true, sz]);                  return true;             });              //    removeItem event             $cfs.bind(cf_e('removeItem', conf), function(e, num, org, dev) {                 e.stopPropagation();                                  var v = [num, org, dev],                     t = ['string/number/object', 'boolean', 'number'],                     a = cf_sortParams(v, t);                                  var num = a[0],                     org = a[1],                     dev = a[2];                  if (typeof num == 'undefined' || num == 'end') {                     $cfs.children().last().remove();                 } else {                     num = gn_getItemIndex(num, dev, org, itms, $cfs);                     var $cit = $cfs.children().eq(num);                     if ($cit.length){                         if (num < itms.first) itms.first -= $cit.length;                         $cit.remove();                     }                 }                 itms.total = $cfs.children().length;                  var sz = $cfs.triggerHandler('updateSizes');                 nv_showNavi(opts, itms.total, conf);                 nv_enableNavi(opts, itms.first, conf);                 $cfs.trigger(cf_e('updatePageStatus', conf), [true, sz]);                  return true;             });              //    onBefore and onAfter event             $cfs.bind(cf_e('onBefore', conf)+' '+cf_e('onAfter', conf), function(e, fn) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 var eType = e.type.substr(conf.events.prefix.length);                 if (is_array(fn))                clbk[eType] = fn;                 if (typeof fn == 'function')    clbk[eType].push(fn);                 return clbk[eType];             });              //    currentPosition event, accessible from outside             $cfs.bind(cf_e('_cfs_currentPosition', conf, false), function(e, fn) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 return $cfs.triggerHandler(cf_e('currentPosition', conf), fn);             });             $cfs.bind(cf_e('currentPosition', conf), function(e, fn) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 if (itms.first == 0) var val = 0;                 else var val = itms.total - itms.first;                 if (typeof fn == 'function') fn.call($tt0, val);                 return val;             });              //    currentPage event             $cfs.bind(cf_e('currentPage', conf), function(e, fn) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 var ipp = opts.pagination.items || opts.items.visible;                 var max = Math.ceil(itms.total/ipp-1);                 if (itms.first == 0)                             var nr = 0;                 else if (itms.first < itms.total % ipp)         var nr = 0;                 else if (itms.first == ipp && !opts.circular)     var nr = max;                 else                                             var nr = Math.round((itms.total-itms.first)/ipp);                 if (nr < 0) nr = 0;                 if (nr > max) nr = max;                 if (typeof fn == 'function') fn.call($tt0, nr);                 return nr;             });              //    currentVisible event             $cfs.bind(cf_e('currentVisible', conf), function(e, fn) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 $i = gi_getCurrentItems($cfs.children(), opts);                 if (typeof fn == 'function') fn.call($tt0, $i);                 return $i;             });                          //    slice event             $cfs.bind(cf_e('slice', conf), function(e, f, l, fn) {                 e.stopPropagation();                  var v = [f, l, fn],                     t = ['number', 'number', 'function'],                     a = cf_sortParams(v, t);                  f = (typeof a[0] == 'number') ? a[0] : 0,                 l = (typeof a[1] == 'number') ? a[1] : itms.total,                 fn = a[2];                                  f += itms.first;                 l += itms.first;                  while (f > itms.total) { f -= itms.total }                 while (l > itms.total) { l -= itms.total }                 while (f < 0) { f += itms.total }                 while (l < 0) { l += itms.total }                  var $iA = $cfs.children();                  if (l > f) {                     var $i = $iA.slice(f, l);                     } else {                     var $i = $iA.slice(f, itms.total).get().concat( $iA.slice(0, l).get() );                 }                  if (typeof fn == 'function') fn.call($tt0, $i);                 return $i;             });              //    isPaused, isStopped and isScrolling events             $cfs.bind(cf_e('isPaused', conf)+' '+cf_e('isStopped', conf)+' '+cf_e('isScrolling', conf), function(e, fn) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 var eType = e.type.substr(conf.events.prefix.length);                 if (typeof fn == 'function') fn.call($tt0, crsl[eType]);                 return crsl[eType];             });              //    configuration event, accessible from outside             $cfs.bind(cf_e('_cfs_configuration', conf, false), function(e, a, b, c) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 return $cfs.triggerHandler(cf_e('configuration', conf), [a, b, c]);             });             $cfs.bind(cf_e('configuration', conf), function(e, a, b, c) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 var reInit = false;                  //    return entire configuration-object                 if (typeof a == 'function') {                     a.call($tt0, opts);                  //    set multiple options via object                 } else if (typeof a == 'object') {                     opts_orig = $.extend(true, {}, opts_orig, a);                     if (b !== false) reInit = true;                     else opts = $.extend(true, {}, opts, a);                  } else if (typeof a != 'undefined') {                      //    callback function for specific option                     if (typeof b == 'function') {                         var val = eval('opts.'+a);                         if (typeof val == 'undefined') val = '';                         b.call($tt0, val);                      //    set individual option                     } else if (typeof b != 'undefined') {                         if (typeof c !== 'boolean') c = true;                         eval('opts_orig.'+a+' = b');                         if (c !== false) reInit = true;                         else eval('opts.'+a+' = b');                      //    return value for specific option                     } else {                         return eval('opts.'+a);                     }                 }                 if (reInit) {                     sz_resetMargin($cfs.children(), opts);                     $cfs._cfs_init(opts_orig);                     $cfs._cfs_bind_buttons();                     var siz = sz_setSizes($cfs, opts, false);                     $cfs.trigger(cf_e('updatePageStatus', conf), [true, siz]);                 }                 return opts;             });              //    linkAnchors event             $cfs.bind(cf_e('linkAnchors', conf), function(e, $con, sel) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 if (typeof $con == 'undefined' || $con.length == 0) $con = $('body');                 else if (typeof $con == 'string') $con = $($con);                 if (typeof $con != 'object') return debug(conf, 'Not a valid object.');                 if (typeof sel != 'string' || sel.length == 0) sel = 'a.caroufredsel';                 $con.find(sel).each(function() {                     var h = this.hash || '';                     if (h.length > 0 && $cfs.children().index($(h)) != -1) {                         $(this).unbind('click').click(function(e) {                             e.preventDefault();                             $cfs.trigger(cf_e('slideTo', conf), h);                         });                     }                 });                 return true;             });              //    updatePageStatus event             $cfs.bind(cf_e('updatePageStatus', conf), function(e, build, sizes) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 if (!opts.pagination.container) return;                                  if (build) {                     var ipp = opts.pagination.items || opts.items.visible,                         l = Math.ceil(itms.total/ipp);                      if (opts.pagination.anchorBuilder) {                         opts.pagination.container.children().remove();                         opts.pagination.container.each(function() {                             for (var a = 0; a < l; a++) {                                 var i = $cfs.children().eq( gn_getItemIndex(a*ipp, 0, true, itms, $cfs) );                                 $(this).append(opts.pagination.anchorBuilder(a+1, i));                             }                         });                     }                     opts.pagination.container.each(function() {                         $(this).children().unbind(opts.pagination.event).each(function(a) {                             $(this).bind(opts.pagination.event, function(e) {                                 e.preventDefault();                                 $cfs.trigger(cf_e('slideTo', conf), [a*ipp, 0, true, opts.pagination]);                             });                         });                     });                 }                 opts.pagination.container.each(function() {                      $(this).children().removeClass(cf_c('selected',  conf)).eq($cfs.triggerHandler(cf_e('currentPage',  conf))).addClass(cf_c('selected', conf));                 });                 return true;             });              //    updateSizes event             $cfs.bind(cf_e('updateSizes', conf), function(e) {                 var a_itm = $cfs.children(),                     vI = opts.items.visible;                       if (opts.items.visibleConf.variable)    vI = gn_getVisibleItemsNext(a_itm, opts, 0);                 else if (opts.items.filter != '*')             vI = gn_getVisibleItemsNextFilter(a_itm, opts, 0);                  if (!opts.circular && itms.first != 0 && vI > itms.first) {                     if (opts.items.visibleConf.variable) {                         var nI = gn_getVisibleItemsPrev(a_itm, opts, itms.first) - itms.first;                     } else if (opts.items.filter != '*') {                         var nI = gn_getVisibleItemsPrevFilter(a_itm, opts, itms.first) - itms.first;                     } else {                         nI = opts.items.visible - itms.first;                     }                     debug(conf, 'Preventing non-circular: sliding '+nI+' items backward.');                     $cfs.trigger('prev', nI);                 }                 opts.items.visible = cf_getItemsAdjust(vI, opts, opts.items.visibleConf.adjust, $tt0);                 return sz_setSizes($cfs, opts);             });              //    destroy event, accessible from outside             $cfs.bind(cf_e('_cfs_destroy', conf, false), function(e, orgOrder) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 $cfs.trigger(cf_e('destroy', conf), orgOrder);                 return true;             });             $cfs.bind(cf_e('destroy', conf), function(e, orgOrder) {                 e.stopPropagation();                 tmrs = sc_clearTimers(tmrs);                  $cfs.data('cfs_isCarousel', false);                 $cfs.trigger(cf_e('finish', conf));                 if (orgOrder) {                     $cfs.trigger(cf_e('jumpToStart', conf));                 }                 if (opts.usePadding) {                     sz_resetMargin($cfs.children(), opts);                 }                  $cfs.css($cfs.data('cfs_origCss'));                 $cfs._cfs_unbind_events();                 $cfs._cfs_unbind_buttons();                 $wrp.replaceWith($cfs);                  return true;             });         };    //    /bind_events          $cfs._cfs_unbind_events = function() {             $cfs.unbind(cf_e('', conf));             $cfs.unbind(cf_e('', conf, false));         };    //    /unbind_events          $cfs._cfs_bind_buttons = function() {             $cfs._cfs_unbind_buttons();             nv_showNavi(opts, itms.total, conf);             nv_enableNavi(opts, itms.first, conf);              if (opts.auto.pauseOnHover) {                 var pC = bt_pauseOnHoverConfig(opts.auto.pauseOnHover);                 $wrp.bind(cf_e('mouseenter', conf, false), function() { $cfs.trigger(cf_e('pause', conf), pC);    })                     .bind(cf_e('mouseleave', conf, false), function() { $cfs.trigger(cf_e('resume', conf));        });             }              if (opts.auto.button) {                 opts.auto.button.bind(cf_e(opts.auto.event, conf, false), function(e) {                     e.preventDefault();                     var ev = false,                         pC = null;                      if (crsl.isPaused) {                         ev = 'play';                     } else if (opts.auto.pauseOnEvent) {                         ev = 'pause';                         pC = bt_pauseOnHoverConfig(opts.auto.pauseOnEvent);                     }                     if (ev) {                         $cfs.trigger(cf_e(ev, conf), pC);                     }                 });             }             if (opts.prev.button) {                 opts.prev.button.bind(cf_e(opts.prev.event, conf, false), function(e) {                     e.preventDefault();                     $cfs.trigger(cf_e('prev', conf));                 });                 if (opts.prev.pauseOnHover) {                     var pC = bt_pauseOnHoverConfig(opts.prev.pauseOnHover);                      opts.prev.button.bind(cf_e('mouseenter', conf, false),  function() { $cfs.trigger(cf_e('pause', conf), pC);    })                                      .bind(cf_e('mouseleave', conf, false),  function() { $cfs.trigger(cf_e('resume', conf));        });                 }             }              if (opts.next.button) {                 opts.next.button.bind(cf_e(opts.next.event, conf, false), function(e) {                     e.preventDefault();                     $cfs.trigger(cf_e('next', conf));                 });                 if (opts.next.pauseOnHover) {                     var pC = bt_pauseOnHoverConfig(opts.next.pauseOnHover);                      opts.next.button.bind(cf_e('mouseenter', conf, false),  function() { $cfs.trigger(cf_e('pause', conf), pC);     })                                      .bind(cf_e('mouseleave', conf, false),  function() { $cfs.trigger(cf_e('resume', conf));        });                 }             }             if ($.fn.mousewheel) {                 if (opts.prev.mousewheel) {                     if (!crsl.mousewheelPrev) {                         crsl.mousewheelPrev = true;                         $wrp.mousewheel(function(e, delta) {                              if (delta > 0) {                                 e.preventDefault();                                 var num = bt_mousesheelNumber(opts.prev.mousewheel);                                 $cfs.trigger(cf_e('prev', conf), num);                             }                         });                     }                 }                 if (opts.next.mousewheel) {                     if (!crsl.mousewheelNext) {                         crsl.mousewheelNext = true;                         $wrp.mousewheel(function(e, delta) {                              if (delta < 0) {                                 e.preventDefault();                                 var num = bt_mousesheelNumber(opts.next.mousewheel);                                 $cfs.trigger(cf_e('next', conf), num);                             }                         });                     }                 }             }             if ($.fn.touchwipe) {                 var wP = (opts.prev.wipe) ? function() { $cfs.trigger(cf_e('prev', conf)) } : null,                     wN = (opts.next.wipe) ? function() { $cfs.trigger(cf_e('next', conf)) } : null;                  if (wN || wN) {                     if (!crsl.touchwipe) {                         crsl.touchwipe = true;                         var twOps = {                             'min_move_x': 30,                             'min_move_y': 30,                             'preventDefaultEvents': true                         };                         switch (opts.direction) {                             case 'up':                             case 'down':                                 twOps.wipeUp = wN;                                 twOps.wipeDown = wP;                                 break;                             default:                                 twOps.wipeLeft = wN;                                 twOps.wipeRight = wP;                         }                         $wrp.touchwipe(twOps);                     }                 }             }             if (opts.pagination.container) {                 if (opts.pagination.pauseOnHover) {                     var pC = bt_pauseOnHoverConfig(opts.pagination.pauseOnHover);                      opts.pagination.container.bind(cf_e('mouseenter', conf,  false), function() { $cfs.trigger(cf_e('pause', conf), pC);    })                                               .bind(cf_e('mouseleave', conf,  false), function() { $cfs.trigger(cf_e('resume', conf));    });                 }             }             if (opts.prev.key || opts.next.key) {                 $(document).bind(cf_e('keyup', conf, false, true, true), function(e) {                     var k = e.keyCode;                     if (k == opts.next.key)    {                         e.preventDefault();                         $cfs.trigger(cf_e('next', conf));                     }                     if (k == opts.prev.key) {                         e.preventDefault();                         $cfs.trigger(cf_e('prev', conf));                     }                 });             }             if (opts.pagination.keys) {                 $(document).bind(cf_e('keyup', conf, false, true, true), function(e) {                     var k = e.keyCode;                     if (k >= 49 && k < 58) {                         k = (k-49) * opts.items.visible;                         if (k <= itms.total) {                             e.preventDefault();                             $cfs.trigger(cf_e('slideTo', conf), [k, 0, true, opts.pagination]);                         }                     }                 });             }             if (opts.auto.play) {                 $cfs.trigger(cf_e('play', conf), opts.auto.delay);             }  if (crsl.upDateOnWindowResize) {     $(window).bind(cf_e('resize', conf, false, true, true), function(e) {         $cfs.trigger(cf_e('finish', conf));         if (opts.auto.pauseOnResize && !crsl.isPaused) {             $cfs.trigger(cf_e('play', conf));         }         sz_resetMargin($cfs.children(), opts);         $cfs._cfs_init(opts_orig);         var siz = sz_setSizes($cfs, opts, false);         $cfs.trigger(cf_e('updatePageStatus', conf), [true, siz]);     }); }          };    //    /bind_buttons          $cfs._cfs_unbind_buttons = function() {             var ns1 = cf_e('', conf),                 ns2 = cf_e('', conf, false);                 ns3 = cf_e('', conf, false, true, true);              $(document).unbind(ns3);             $(window).unbind(ns3);             $wrp.unbind(ns2);              if (opts.auto.button) opts.auto.button.unbind(ns2);             if (opts.prev.button) opts.prev.button.unbind(ns2);             if (opts.next.button) opts.next.button.unbind(ns2);             if (opts.pagination.container) {                 opts.pagination.container.unbind(ns2);                 if (opts.pagination.anchorBuilder) {                     opts.pagination.container.children().remove();                 }             }              nv_showNavi(opts, 'hide', conf);             nv_enableNavi(opts, 'removeClass', conf);          };    //    /unbind_buttons            //    START          var crsl = {                 'direction'        : 'next',                 'isPaused'        : true,                 'isScrolling'    : false,                 'isStopped'        : false,                  'mousewheelNext': false,                 'mousewheelPrev': false,                 'touchwipe'        : false             },             itms = {                 'total'            : $cfs.children().length,                 'first'            : 0             },             tmrs = {                 'timer'            : null,                 'auto'            : null,                 'queue'            : null,                 'startTime'        : getTime(),                 'timePassed'    : 0             },             scrl = {                 'isStopped'        : false,                 'duration'        : 0,                 'startTime'        : 0,                 'easing'        : '',                 'anims'            : []             },             clbk = {                 'onBefore'        : [],                 'onAfter'        : []             },             queu = [],             conf = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.carouFredSel.configs, configs),             opts = {},             opts_orig = options,             $wrp = $cfs.wrap('<'+conf.wrapper.element+' class="'+conf.wrapper.classname+'" />').parent();          conf.selector        = $cfs.selector;         conf.serialNumber    = $.fn.carouFredSel.serialNumber++;          //    create carousel         $cfs._cfs_init(opts_orig, true, starting_position);         $cfs._cfs_build();         $cfs._cfs_bind_events();         $cfs._cfs_bind_buttons();          //    find item to start         if (is_array(opts.items.start)) {             var start_arr = opts.items.start;         } else {             var start_arr = [];             if (opts.items.start != 0) {                 start_arr.push(opts.items.start);             }         }         if (opts.cookie) {             start_arr.unshift(cf_readCookie(opts.cookie));         }         if (start_arr.length > 0) {             for (var a = 0, l = start_arr.length; a < l; a++) {                 var s = start_arr[a];                 if (s == 0) {                     continue;                 }                 if (s === true) {                     s = window.location.hash;                     if (s.length < 1) {                         continue;                     }                 } else if (s === 'random') {                     s = Math.floor(Math.random()*itms.total);                 }                 if ($cfs.triggerHandler(cf_e('slideTo', conf), [s, 0, true, { fx: 'none' }])) {                     break;                 }             }         }         var siz = sz_setSizes($cfs, opts, false),             itm = gi_getCurrentItems($cfs.children(), opts);          if (opts.onCreate) {             opts.onCreate.call($tt0, itm, siz);         }          $cfs.trigger(cf_e('updatePageStatus', conf), [true, siz]);         $cfs.trigger(cf_e('linkAnchors', conf));          return $cfs;     };       //    GLOBAL PUBLIC      $.fn.carouFredSel.serialNumber = 1;     $.fn.carouFredSel.defaults = {         'synchronise'    : false,         'infinite'        : true,         'circular'        : true,         'responsive'    : false,         'direction'        : 'left',         'items'            : {             'start'            : 0         },         'scroll'        : {             'easing'        : 'swing',             'duration'        : 500,             'pauseOnHover'    : false,             'mousewheel'    : false,             'wipe'            : false,             'event'            : 'click',             'queue'            : false         }     };     $.fn.carouFredSel.configs = {         'debug'            : false,         'events'        : {             'prefix'        : '',             'namespace'        : 'cfs'         },         'wrapper'        : {             'element'        : 'div',             'classname'        : 'caroufredsel_wrapper'         },         'classnames'    : {}     };     $.fn.carouFredSel.pageAnchorBuilder = function(nr, itm) {         return '<a href="#"><span>'+nr+'</span></a>';     };       //    GLOBAL PRIVATE      //    scrolling functions     function sc_setScroll(d, e) {         return {             anims        : [],             duration    : d,             orgDuration    : d,             easing        : e,             startTime    : getTime()         };     }     function sc_startScroll(s) {         if (typeof s.pre == 'object') {             sc_startScroll(s.pre);         }         for (var a = 0, l = s.anims.length; a < l; a++) {             var b = s.anims[a];             if (!b) continue;             if (b[3]) b[0].stop();             b[0].animate(b[1], {                 complete: b[2],                 duration: s.duration,                 easing: s.easing             });         }         if (typeof s.post == 'object') {             sc_startScroll(s.post);         }     }     function sc_stopScroll(s, finish) {         if (typeof finish != 'boolean') finish = true;         if (typeof s.pre == 'object') {             sc_stopScroll(s.pre, finish);         }         for (var a = 0, l = s.anims.length; a < l; a++) {             var b = s.anims[a];             b[0].stop(true);             if (finish) {                 b[0].css(b[1]);                 if (typeof b[2] == 'function') b[2]();             }         }         if (typeof s.post == 'object') {             sc_stopScroll(s.post, finish);         }     }     function sc_clearTimers(t) {         if (t.auto) clearTimeout(t.auto);         return t;     }     function sc_callCallbacks(cbs, t, args) {         if (cbs.length) {             for (var a = 0, l = cbs.length; a < l; a++) {                 cbs[a].apply(t, args);             }         }         return [];     }      //    fx functions     function fx_fade(sO, c, x, d, f) {         var o = {             'duration'    : d,             'easing'    : sO.easing         };         if (typeof f == 'function') o.complete = f;         c.animate({             opacity: x         }, o);     }     function fx_cover(sc, c1, c2, o, prev) {         var old_w = ms_getSizes(gi_getOldItemsNext(c1.children(), o), o, true)[0],             new_w = ms_getSizes(c2.children(), o, true)[0],             cur_l = (prev) ? -new_w : old_w,             css_o = {},             ani_o = {};          css_o[o.d['width']] = new_w;         css_o[o.d['left']] = cur_l;         ani_o[o.d['left']] = 0;                  sc.pre.anims.push([c1, { 'opacity': 1 }]);         sc.post.anims.push([c2, ani_o, function() { $(this).remove(); }]);         c2.css(css_o);         return sc;     }     function fx_uncover(sc, c1, c2, o, prev, n) {         var new_w = ms_getSizes(gi_getNewItemsNext(c1.children(), o, n), o, true)[0],             old_w = ms_getSizes(c2.children(), o, true)[0],             cur_l = (prev) ? -old_w : new_w,             css_o = {},             ani_o = {};          css_o[o.d['width']] = old_w;         css_o[o.d['left']] = 0;         ani_o[o.d['left']] = cur_l;         sc.post.anims.push([c2, ani_o, function() { $(this).remove(); }]);         c2.css(css_o);         return sc;     }      //    navigation functions     function nv_showNavi(o, t, c) {         if (t == 'show' || t == 'hide') {             var f = t;         } else if (o.items.minimum >= t) {             debug(c, 'Not enough items: hiding navigation ('+t+' items, '+o.items.minimum+' needed).');             var f = 'hide';         } else {             var f = 'show';         }         var s = (f == 'show') ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass',             h = cf_c('hidden', c);         if (o.auto.button) o.auto.button[f]()[s](h);         if (o.prev.button) o.prev.button[f]()[s](h);         if (o.next.button) o.next.button[f]()[s](h);         if (o.pagination.container) o.pagination.container[f]()[s](h);     }     function nv_enableNavi(o, f, c) {         if (o.circular || o.infinite) return;         var fx = (f == 'removeClass' || f == 'addClass') ? f : false,             di = cf_c('disabled', c);         if (o.auto.button && fx) {             o.auto.button[fx](di);         }         if (o.prev.button) {             var fn = fx || (f == 0) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass';             o.prev.button[fn](di);         }         if (o.next.button) {             var fn = fx || (f == o.items.visible) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass';             o.next.button[fn](di);         }     }      //    get object functions     function go_getObject($tt, obj) {         if (typeof obj == 'function')    obj = obj.call($tt);         if (typeof obj == 'undefined')    obj = {};         return obj;     }     function go_getNaviObject($tt, obj, type) {         if (typeof type != 'string') type = '';          obj = go_getObject($tt, obj);         if (typeof obj == 'string') {             var temp = cf_getKeyCode(obj);             if (temp == -1) obj = $(obj);             else             obj = temp;         }          //    pagination         if (type == 'pagination') {             if (typeof obj                 == 'boolean')    obj = { 'keys': obj };             if (typeof obj.jquery         != 'undefined')    obj = { 'container': obj };             if (typeof obj.container    == 'function')    obj.container = obj.container.call($tt);             if (typeof obj.container    == 'string')    obj.container = $(obj.container);             if (typeof obj.items        != 'number')    obj.items = false;          //    auto         } else if (type == 'auto') {             if (typeof obj.jquery    != 'undefined')        obj = { 'button': obj };             if (typeof obj == 'boolean')                obj = { 'play': obj };             if (typeof obj == 'number')                    obj = { 'pauseDuration': obj };             if (typeof obj.button        == 'function')    obj.button = obj.button.call($tt);             if (typeof obj.button        == 'string')    obj.button = $(obj.button);          //    prev + next         } else {             if (typeof obj.jquery        != 'undefined')    obj = { 'button': obj };             if (typeof obj                 == 'number')    obj = { 'key': obj };             if (typeof obj.button        == 'function')    obj.button = obj.button.call($tt);             if (typeof obj.button        == 'string')    obj.button = $(obj.button);             if (typeof obj.key            == 'string')    obj.key = cf_getKeyCode(obj.key);         }                      return obj;     }      //    get number functions     function gn_getItemIndex(num, dev, org, items, $cfs) {         if (typeof num == 'string') {             if (isNaN(num)) num = $(num);             else             num = parseInt(num);         }         if (typeof num == 'object') {             if (typeof num.jquery == 'undefined') num = $(num);             num = $cfs.children().index(num);             if (num == -1) num = 0;             if (typeof org != 'boolean') org = false;         } else {             if (typeof org != 'boolean') org = true;         }         if (isNaN(num))    num = 0;         else             num = parseInt(num);         if (isNaN(dev))    dev = 0;         else             dev = parseInt(dev);          if (org) {             num += items.first;         }         num += dev;         if (items.total > 0) {             while (num >= items.total)    {    num -= items.total; }             while (num < 0)                {    num += items.total; }         }         return num;     }      //    items prev     function gn_getVisibleItemsPrev(i, o, s) {         var t = 0,             x = 0;          for (var a = s; a >= 0; a--) {             var j = i.eq(a);             t += (j.is(':visible')) ? j[o.d['outerWidth']](true) : 0;             if (t > o.maxDimention) return x;             if (a == 0) a = i.length;             x++;         }     }     function gn_getVisibleItemsPrevFilter(i, o, s) {         return gn_getItemsPrevFilter(i, o.items.filter, o.items.visibleConf.org, s);     }     function gn_getScrollItemsPrevFilter(i, o, s, m) {         return gn_getItemsPrevFilter(i, o.items.filter, m, s);     }     function gn_getItemsPrevFilter(i, f, m, s) {         var t = 0,             x = 0;              for (var a = s, l = i.length-1; a >= 0; a--) {             x++;             if (x == l) return x;                  var j = i.eq(a);             if (j.is(f)) {                 t++;                 if (t == m) return x;             }             if (a == 0) a = i.length;         }     }      function gn_getVisibleOrg($c, o) {         return o.items.visibleConf.org || $c.children().slice(0, o.items.visible).filter(o.items.filter).length;     }      //    items next     function gn_getVisibleItemsNext(i, o, s) {         var t = 0,             x = 0;          for (var a = s, l = i.length-1; a <= l; a++) {             var j = i.eq(a);              t += (j.is(':visible')) ? j[o.d['outerWidth']](true) : 0;             if (t > o.maxDimention) return x;              x++;             if (x == l) return x;             if (a == l) a = -1;         }     }     function gn_getVisibleItemsNextTestCircular(i, o, s, l) {         var v = gn_getVisibleItemsNext(i, o, s);         if (!o.circular) {             if (s + v > l) v = l - s;         }         return v;     }     function gn_getVisibleItemsNextFilter(i, o, s) {         return gn_getItemsNextFilter(i, o.items.filter, o.items.visibleConf.org, s, o.circular);     }     function gn_getScrollItemsNextFilter(i, o, s, m) {         return gn_getItemsNextFilter(i, o.items.filter, m+1, s, o.circular) - 1;     }     function gn_getItemsNextFilter(i, f, m, s, c) {         var t = 0,             x = 0;          for (var a = s, l = i.length-1; a <= l; a++) {             x++;             if (x == l) return x;              var j = i.eq(a);             if (j.is(f)) {                 t++;                 if (t == m) return x;             }             if (a == l) a = -1;         }     }      //    get items functions     function gi_getCurrentItems(i, o) {         return i.slice(0, o.items.visible);     }     function gi_getOldItemsPrev(i, o, n) {         return i.slice(n, o.items.visibleConf.old+n);     }     function gi_getNewItemsPrev(i, o) {         return i.slice(0, o.items.visible);     }     function gi_getOldItemsNext(i, o) {         return i.slice(0, o.items.visibleConf.old);     }     function gi_getNewItemsNext(i, o, n) {         return i.slice(n, o.items.visible+n);     }      //    sizes functions     function sz_resetMargin(i, o, m) {         var x = (typeof m == 'boolean') ? m : false;         if (typeof m != 'number') m = 0;         i.each(function() {             var j = $(this);             var t = parseInt(j.css(o.d['marginRight']));             if (isNaN(t)) t = 0;             j.data('cfs_tempCssMargin', t);             j.css(o.d['marginRight'], ((x) ? j.data('cfs_tempCssMargin') : m + j.data('cfs_origCssMargin')));         });     }     function sz_setSizes($c, o, p) {         var $w = $c.parent(),             $i = $c.children(),             $v = gi_getCurrentItems($i, o),             sz = cf_mapWrapperSizes(ms_getSizes($v, o, true), o, p);          $w.css(sz);          if (o.usePadding) {             var p = o.padding,                 r = p[o.d[1]];             if (o.align) {                 if (r < 0) r = 0;             }             var $l = $v.last();             $l.css(o.d['marginRight'], $l.data('cfs_origCssMargin') + r);             $c.css(o.d['top'], p[o.d[0]]);             $c.css(o.d['left'], p[o.d[3]]);         }          $c.css(o.d['width'], sz[o.d['width']]+(ms_getTotalSize($i, o, 'width')*2));         $c.css(o.d['height'], ms_getLargestSize($i, o, 'height'));         return sz;     }      //    measuring functions     function ms_getSizes(i, o, wrapper) {         var s1 = ms_getTotalSize(i, o, 'width', wrapper),             s2 = ms_getLargestSize(i, o, 'height', wrapper);         return [s1, s2];     }     function ms_getLargestSize(i, o, dim, wrapper) {         if (typeof wrapper != 'boolean') wrapper = false;         if (typeof o[o.d[dim]] == 'number' && wrapper) return o[o.d[dim]];         if (typeof o.items[o.d[dim]] == 'number') return o.items[o.d[dim]];         var di2 = (dim.toLowerCase().indexOf('width') > -1) ? 'outerWidth' : 'outerHeight';         return ms_getTrueLargestSize(i, o, di2);     }     function ms_getTrueLargestSize(i, o, dim) {         var s = 0;          for (var a = 0, l = i.length; a < l; a++) {             var j = i.eq(a);              var m = (j.is(':visible')) ? j[o.d[dim]](true) : 0;             if (s < m) s = m;         }         return s;     }     function ms_getTrueInnerSize($el, o, dim) {         if (!$el.is(':visible')) return 0;          var siz = $el[o.d[dim]](),              arr = (o.d[dim].toLowerCase().indexOf('width') > -1) ?  ['paddingLeft', 'paddingRight'] : ['paddingTop', 'paddingBottom'];                  for (var a = 0, l = arr.length; a < l; a++) {             var m = parseInt($el.css(arr[a]));             siz -= (isNaN(m)) ? 0 : m;         }         return siz;     }     function ms_getTotalSize(i, o, dim, wrapper) {         if (typeof wrapper != 'boolean') wrapper = false;         if (typeof o[o.d[dim]] == 'number' && wrapper) return o[o.d[dim]];         if (typeof o.items[o.d[dim]] == 'number') return o.items[o.d[dim]] * i.length;                  var d = (dim.toLowerCase().indexOf('width') > -1) ? 'outerWidth' : 'outerHeight',             s = 0;                  for (var a = 0, l = i.length; a < l; a++) {             var j = i.eq(a);             s += (j.is(':visible')) ? j[o.d[d]](true) : 0;         }         return s;     }     function ms_hasVariableSizes(i, o, dim) {         var s = false,             v = false;                  for (var a = 0, l = i.length; a < l; a++) {             var j = i.eq(a);              var c = (j.is(':visible')) ? j[o.d[dim]](true) : 0;             if (s === false) s = c;             else if (s != c) v = true;             if (s == 0)         v = true;         }         return v;     }     function ms_getPaddingBorderMargin(i, o, d) {         return i[o.d['outer'+d]](true) - ms_getTrueInnerSize(i, o, 'inner'+d);     }     function ms_isPercentage(x) {         return (typeof x == 'string' && x.substr(-1) == '%');     }     function ms_getPercentage(s, o) {         if (ms_isPercentage(o)) {             o = o.substring(0, o.length-1);             if (isNaN(o)) return s;             s *= o/100;         }         return s;     }      //    config functions     function cf_e(n, c, pf, ns, rd) {         if (typeof pf != 'boolean') pf = true;         if (typeof ns != 'boolean') ns = true;         if (typeof rd != 'boolean') rd = false;                  if (pf) n = c.events.prefix + n;         if (ns) n = n +'.'+ c.events.namespace;         if (ns && rd) n += c.serialNumber;          return n;     }     function cf_c(n, c) {         return (typeof c.classnames[n] == 'string') ? c.classnames[n] : n;     }     function cf_mapWrapperSizes(ws, o, p) {         if (typeof p != 'boolean') p = true;         var pad = (o.usePadding && p) ? o.padding : [0, 0, 0, 0];         var wra = {};             wra[o.d['width']] = ws[0] + pad[1] + pad[3];             wra[o.d['height']] = ws[1] + pad[0] + pad[2];          return wra;     }     function cf_sortParams(vals, typs) {         var arr = [];         for (var a = 0, l1 = vals.length; a < l1; a++) {             for (var b = 0, l2 = typs.length; b < l2; b++) {                 if (typs[b].indexOf(typeof vals[a]) > -1 && typeof arr[b] == 'undefined') {                     arr[b] = vals[a];                     break;                 }             }         }         return arr;     }     function cf_getPadding(p) {         if (typeof p == 'undefined') return [0, 0, 0, 0];                  if (typeof p == 'number') return [p, p, p, p];         else if (typeof p == 'string') p = p.split('px').join('').split('em').join('').split(' ');          if (!is_array(p)) {             return [0, 0, 0, 0];         }         for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {             p[i] = parseInt(p[i]);         }         switch (p.length) {             case 0:    return [0, 0, 0, 0];             case 1: return [p[0], p[0], p[0], p[0]];             case 2: return [p[0], p[1], p[0], p[1]];             case 3: return [p[0], p[1], p[2], p[1]];             default: return [p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]];         }     }     function cf_getAlignPadding(itm, o) {         var x = (typeof o[o.d['width']] == 'number') ? Math.ceil(o[o.d['width']] - ms_getTotalSize(itm, o, 'width')) : 0;         switch (o.align) {             case 'left': return [0, x];             case 'right': return [x, 0];             case 'center':             default:                 return [Math.ceil(x/2), Math.floor(x/2)];         }     }     function cf_getAdjust(x, o, a, $t) {         var v = x;         if (typeof a == 'function') {             v = a.call($t, v);          } else if (typeof a == 'string') {             var p = a.split('+'),                 m = a.split('-');                          if (m.length > p.length) {                 var neg = true,                     sta = m[0],                     adj = m[1];             } else {                 var neg = false,                     sta = p[0],                     adj = p[1];             }              switch(sta) {                 case 'even':                     v = (x % 2 == 1) ? x-1 : x;                     break;                 case 'odd':                     v = (x % 2 == 0) ? x-1 : x;                     break;                 default:                     v = x;                     break;             }             adj = parseInt(adj);             if (!isNaN(adj)) {                 if (neg) adj = -adj;                 v += adj;             }         }         if (typeof v != 'number') v = 1;         if (v < 1) v = 1;         return v;     }     function cf_getItemsAdjust(x, o, a, $t) {         return cf_getItemAdjustMinMax(cf_getAdjust(x, o, a, $t), o.items.visibleConf);     }     function cf_getItemAdjustMinMax(v, i) {         if (typeof i.min == 'number' && v < i.min) v = i.min;         if (typeof i.max == 'number' && v > i.max) v = i.max;         if (v < 1) v = 1;         return v;     }     function cf_getSynchArr(s) {         if (!is_array(s))         s = [[s]];         if (!is_array(s[0]))    s = [s];         for (var j = 0, l = s.length; j < l; j++) {             if (typeof s[j][0] == 'string')        s[j][0] = $(s[j][0]);             if (typeof s[j][1] != 'boolean')    s[j][1] = true;             if (typeof s[j][2] != 'boolean')    s[j][2] = true;             if (typeof s[j][3] != 'number')        s[j][3] = 0;         }         return s;     }     function cf_getKeyCode(k) {         if (k == 'right')    return 39;         if (k == 'left')    return 37;         if (k == 'up')        return 38;         if (k == 'down')    return 40;         return -1;     }     function cf_setCookie(n, v) {         if (n) document.cookie = n+'='+v+'; path=/';     }     function cf_readCookie(n) {         n += '=';         var ca = document.cookie.split(';');         for (var a = 0, l = ca.length; a < l; a++) {             var c = ca[a];             while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') {                 c = c.substring(1, c.length);             }             if (c.indexOf(n) == 0) {                 return c.substring(n.length, c.length);             }         }         return 0;     }      //    buttons functions     function bt_pauseOnHoverConfig(p) {         if (p && typeof p == 'string') {             var i = (p.indexOf('immediate') > -1) ? true : false,                 r = (p.indexOf('resume')     > -1) ? true : false;         } else {             var i = r = false;         }         return [i, r];     }     function bt_mousesheelNumber(mw) {         return (typeof mw == 'number') ? mw : null     }      //    helper functions     function is_array(a) {         return typeof(a) == 'object' && (a instanceof Array);     }      function getTime() {         return new Date().getTime();     }      function debug(d, m) {         if (typeof d == 'object') {             var s = ' ('+d.selector+')';             d = d.debug;         } else {             var s = '';         }         if (!d) return false;                  if (typeof m == 'string') m = 'carouFredSel'+s+': ' + m;         else m = ['carouFredSel'+s+':', m];          if (window.console && window.console.log) window.console.log(m);         return false;     }       //    CAROUFREDSEL ALL LOWERCASE      $.fn.caroufredsel = function(o, c) {         return this.carouFredSel(o, c);     };       //    EASING FUNCTIONS      $.extend($.easing, {         'quadratic'    : function(t) {             var t2 = t * t;             return t * (-t2 * t + 4 * t2 - 6 * t + 4);         },         'cubic'        : function(t) {             return t * (4 * t * t - 9 * t + 6);         },         'elastic'    : function(t) {             var t2 = t * t;             return t * (33 * t2 * t2 - 106 * t2 * t + 126 * t2 - 67 * t + 15);         }     });   })(jQuery);  //]]> </script>  <script type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[  function  showrecentcomments(json){for(var i=0;i<a_rc;i++){var  b_rc=json.feed.entry[i];var  c_rc;if(i==json.feed.entry.length)break;for(var  k=0;k<b_rc.link.length;k++){if(b_rc.link[k].rel=='alternate'){c_rc=b_rc.link[k].href;break;}}c_rc=c_rc.replace("#","#comment-");var  d_rc=c_rc.split("#");d_rc=d_rc[0];var  e_rc=d_rc.split("/");e_rc=e_rc[5];e_rc=e_rc.split(".html");e_rc=e_rc[0];var  f_rc=e_rc.replace(/-/g," ");f_rc=f_rc.link(d_rc);var  g_rc=b_rc.published.$t;var h_rc=g_rc.substring(0,4);var  i_rc=g_rc.substring(5,7);var j_rc=g_rc.substring(8,10);var k_rc=new  Array();k_rc[1]="Jan";k_rc[2]="Feb";k_rc[3]="Mar";k_rc[4]="Apr";k_rc[5]="May";k_rc[6]="Jun";k_rc[7]="Jul";k_rc[8]="Aug";k_rc[9]="Sep";k_rc[10]="Oct";k_rc[11]="Nov";k_rc[12]="Dec";if("content"  in b_rc){var l_rc=b_rc.content.$t;}else if("summary" in b_rc){var  l_rc=b_rc.summary.$t;}else var l_rc="";var  re=/<\S[^>]*>/g;l_rc=l_rc.replace(re,"");if(m_rc==true)document.write('On  '+k_rc[parseInt(i_rc,10)]+' '+j_rc+' ');document.write('<a  href="'+c_rc+'">'+b_rc.author[0].name.$t+'</a>  commented');if(n_rc==true)document.write(' on '+f_rc);document.write(':  ');if(l_rc.length<o_rc){document.write('<i>“');document.write(l_rc);document.write('”</i><br/><br/>');}else{document.write('<i>“');l_rc=l_rc.substring(0,o_rc);var  p_rc=l_rc.lastIndexOf("  ");l_rc=l_rc.substring(0,p_rc);document.write(l_rc+'&hellip;”</i>');document.write('<br/><br/>');}}}  function  rp(json){document.write('<ul>');for(var  i=0;i<numposts;i++){document.write('<li>');var  entry=json.feed.entry[i];var posttitle=entry.title.$t;var  posturl;if(i==json.feed.entry.length)break;for(var  k=0;k<entry.link.length;k++){if(entry.link[k].rel=='alternate'){posturl=entry.link[k].href;break}}posttitle=posttitle.link(posturl);var  readmorelink="(more)";readmorelink=readmorelink.link(posturl);var  postdate=entry.published.$t;var cdyear=postdate.substring(0,4);var  cdmonth=postdate.substring(5,7);var cdday=postdate.substring(8,10);var  monthnames=new  Array();monthnames[1]="Jan";monthnames[2]="Feb";monthnames[3]="Mar";monthnames[4]="Apr";monthnames[5]="May";monthnames[6]="Jun";monthnames[7]="Jul";monthnames[8]="Aug";monthnames[9]="Sep";monthnames[10]="Oct";monthnames[11]="Nov";monthnames[12]="Dec";if("content"in  entry){var postcontent=entry.content.$t}else if("summary"in entry){var  postcontent=entry.summary.$t}else var postcontent="";var  re=/<\S[^>]*>/g;postcontent=postcontent.replace(re,"");document.write(posttitle);if(showpostdate==true)document.write('  - '+monthnames[parseInt(cdmonth,10)]+'  '+cdday);if(showpostsummary==true){if(postcontent.length<numchars){document.write(postcontent)}else{postcontent=postcontent.substring(0,numchars);var  quoteEnd=postcontent.lastIndexOf("  ");postcontent=postcontent.substring(0,quoteEnd);document.write(postcontent+'...'+readmorelink)}}document.write('</li>')}document.write('</ul>')}  //]]> </script>  <script type='text/javascript'> summary_noimg = 550; summary_img = 450; img_thumb_height = 200; img_thumb_width = 200;  </script> <script type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[  function removeHtmlTag(strx,chop){      if(strx.indexOf("<")!=-1)     {         var s = strx.split("<");          for(var i=0;i<s.length;i++){              if(s[i].indexOf(">")!=-1){                  s[i] = s[i].substring(s[i].indexOf(">")+1,s[i].length);              }          }          strx =  s.join("");      }     chop = (chop < strx.length-1) ? 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class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(<data:i.post-count/>)</span>           <b:if cond='data:i.data'>             <b:include data='i.data' name='interval'/>           </b:if>           <b:if cond='data:i.posts'>             <b:include data='i.posts' name='posts'/>           </b:if>         </li>       </ul>   </b:loop> </b:includable> <b:includable id='menu' var='data'>   <select expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + &quot;_ArchiveMenu&quot;'>     <option value=''><data:title/></option>     <b:loop values='data:data' var='i'>       <option expr:value='data:i.url'><data:i.name/> (<data:i.post-count/>)</option>     </b:loop>   </select> </b:includable> <b:includable id='flat' var='data'>   <ul class='flat'>     <b:loop values='data:data' var='i'>       <li class='archivedate'>         <a expr:href='data:i.url'><data:i.name/></a> (<data:i.post-count/>)       </li>     </b:loop>   </ul> </b:includable> <b:includable id='posts' var='posts'>   <ul class='posts'>     <b:loop values='data:posts' var='i'> 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type='Label'> <b:includable id='main'>   <b:if cond='data:title'>     <h2><data:title/></h2>   </b:if>   <div expr:class='&quot;widget-content &quot; + data:display + &quot;-label-widget-content&quot;'>     <b:if cond='data:display == &quot;list&quot;'>       <ul>       <b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>         <li>           <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:label.url'>             <span expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection'><data:label.name/></span>           <b:else/>             <a expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' expr:href='data:label.url'><data:label.name/></a>           </b:if>           <b:if cond='data:showFreqNumbers'>           </b:if>         </li>       </b:loop>       </ul>     <b:else/>       <b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>         <span expr:class='&quot;label-size label-size-&quot; + data:label.cssSize'>           <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:label.url'>             <span expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection'><data:label.name/></span>     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expr:class='&quot;label-size label-size-&quot; + data:label.cssSize'>           <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:label.url'>             <span expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection'><data:label.name/></span>           <b:else/>             <a expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' expr:href='data:label.url'><data:label.name/></a>           </b:if>           <b:if cond='data:showFreqNumbers'>             <span class='label-count' dir='rtl'>(<data:label.count/>)</span>           </b:if>         </span>       </b:loop>     </b:if>     <b:include name='quickedit'/>   </div> </b:includable> </b:widget> <b:widget id='Label2' locked='false' title='أقسام المدونة' type='Label'> <b:includable id='main'>   <b:if cond='data:title'>     <h2><data:title/></h2>   </b:if>   <div expr:class='&quot;widget-content &quot; + data:display + &quot;-label-widget-content&quot;'>     <b:if cond='data:display == &quot;list&quot;'>       <ul>       <b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>         <li>           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style='text-align: center;'>       <b:if cond='data:attribution != &quot;&quot;'>        <data:attribution/>       </b:if>     </div>      <b:include name='quickedit'/>   </b:includable> </b:widget> <b:widget id='Label4' locked='false' title='أقسام المدونة' type='Label'> <b:includable id='main'>   <b:if cond='data:title'>     <h2><data:title/></h2>   </b:if>   <div expr:class='&quot;widget-content &quot; + data:display + &quot;-label-widget-content&quot;'>     <b:if cond='data:display == &quot;list&quot;'>       <ul>       <b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>         <li>           <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:label.url'>             <span expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection'><data:label.name/></span>           <b:else/>             <a expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' expr:href='data:label.url'><data:label.name/></a>           </b:if>           <b:if cond='data:showFreqNumbers'>             <span dir='rtl'>(<data:label.count/>)</span>           </b:if>         </li>   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expr:href='data:userUrl'><data:viewProfileMsg/></a>     </b:if>       <b:include name='quickedit'/>     </div>   </b:includable> </b:widget> <b:widget id='Navbar1' locked='true' title='Navbar' type='Navbar'> <b:includable id='main'>&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;     function setAttributeOnload(object, attribute, val) {       if(window.addEventListener) {         window.addEventListener('load',           function(){ object[attribute] = val; }, false);       } else {         window.attachEvent('onload', function(){ object[attribute] = val; });       }     }   &lt;/script&gt; &lt;div id=&quot;navbar-iframe-container&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;script  type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;  src=&quot;https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt; &lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;         gapi.load(&quot;iframes-styles-bubble&quot;, function() {           if (window.iframes &amp;&amp; iframes.open) {             iframes.open(                   '//www.blogger.com/navbar.g?targetBlogID\0751140174247071331396\46blogName\75%D8%AA%D8%AC%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A8%D9%8A\46publishMode\75PUBLISH_MODE_BLOGSPOT\46navbarType\75LIGHT\46layoutType\75LAYOUTS\46searchRoot\75http://inabi96.blogspot.com/search\46blogLocale\75ar\46v\0752\46homepageUrl\75http://inabi96.blogspot.com/\46vt\0751092494583094560806',                 {                   container: &quot;navbar-iframe-container&quot;,                   id: &quot;navbar-iframe&quot;                 },                 {                 });           }         });       &lt;/script&gt;&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt; (function() { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = '//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/google_top_exp.js'; var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (head) { head.appendChild(script); }})(); &lt;/script&gt; </b:includable> </b:widget> <b:widget id='Feed2' locked='false' title='Free Blogger' 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0.25;'>         <a expr:href='data:feedUrl'><data:loadingMsg/></a>       </span>     </div>     <b:include name='quickedit'/>   </b:includable> </b:widget> <b:widget id='HTML101' locked='true' title='Featured Posts' type='HTML'> <b:includable id='main'>   <!-- only display title if it's non-empty -->   <b:if cond='data:title != &quot;&quot;'>     <h2 class='title'><data:title/></h2>   </b:if>   <div class='widget-content'>     <data:content/>   </div>    <b:include name='quickedit'/> </b:includable> </b:widget> </b:section> </div> <div class='clear'/> </div>  <div class='clear'/> </div>  <div id='bottom'> <ul>  <li class='botwid'> <b:section class='footersec' id='footersec1' showaddelement='yes'> <b:widget id='Stats1' locked='false' title='إجمالي مرات مشاهدة الصفحة' type='Stats'> <b:includable id='main'>   <b:if cond='data:title'><h2><data:title/></h2></b:if>   <div class='widget-content'>     <!-- Content is going to be visible when data will be fetched from server. -->     <div 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الدعم العربي

محمد عنبي غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

مركز رفع موسوعة العربية
قديم 04-21-2013, 11:05 PM   #2
مدون جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2013
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افتراضي رد: ممكن لوسمحتوااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا

أنا : op00

مشكور على الموضوع

الدعم العربي

op00 غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 04-22-2013, 01:08 PM   #3
محمد عنبي
مدون جديد
الصورة الرمزية محمد عنبي
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2013
المشاركات: 34
افتراضي رد: ممكن لوسمحتوااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا

أنا : محمد عنبي

في نتضار الخبراء

الدعم العربي

محمد عنبي غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 04-22-2013, 09:48 PM   #4
محمد عنبي
مدون جديد
الصورة الرمزية محمد عنبي
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2013
المشاركات: 34
افتراضي رد: ممكن لوسمحتوااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا

أنا : محمد عنبي

الدعم العربي

محمد عنبي غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 04-26-2013, 10:33 PM   #5
مدون جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2013
المشاركات: 13
افتراضي رد: ممكن لوسمحتوااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا


ان شاء الله يتم مساعدتك اخي موفق لك

الدعم العربي

AMINEUNITED غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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